Nathan Ge

Voice: Baritone

Year: Class of 2024

Major: Computational and Systems Biology, B.S.

Hometown: Foster City, CA

Audition Song: “River” - Leon Bridges

Fun Fact: I can NOT do a backflip.

Most Likely to: sleep through a funeral/wedding/lecture/anything


Nathan Ge is a computational and systems biology major at UCLA. In high school, Nathan sang in his school’s chamber choir, and occasionally sang for his church’s worship team. If not frollicking in the fields, you can find him hiking, contemplating life on night walks, playing basketball at the local park, binging anime or youtube, or playing video games. His musical tastes can be described as nothing short of average. Nathan listens to pop, electronic music, barbershop, pop song covers, anime openings, and anything that sounds good (whatever that means). Show him music, and he’ll try to find a way to like it. Nathan vows to expand his musical abilities by learning to play the piano and guitar, compose a cappella arrangements, mix music, and one day surpass the likes of Jeong. Go bruins, go bruin harmony :)